As we rolled into Cut Bank, Mt. Sharlene noticed a funny sound coming from her scooter. After checking it, I found that the primary adapter bolt had come completely out of the engine. We suspect that this bolt has been loose for some time now as it has rattled around until it rubbed a hole in the protective cover. I suspect this may have been the funny sound we heard while we were in Madawaska. The scooter runs ok without the bolt and some have posted on various forums that they have run thousands of miles with no problem. We have decided to push on toward the West and attempt a patch in Kalispell. If a failure occurs, our options are:
* Abandon the scooter and return home on one
* Purchase another scooter and continue
* Continue the ride on the remaining scooter
Primary Bolt and Adapter |
Primary Adapter Cover |
Decisions, decisions, what to do?!?!?!