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Visited States Map (updated daily)
States Visited on Two Wheels


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 30 Farming in North Dakota by Sharlene

Today we travelled 332 miles. We left Minnesota and the rain behind us. Oh ya, we had a sunny rain free day with highs in the lower 70's. Can you say it doesn't get any better than this? The roads are lined with fields that look like a patchwork quilt. There are farms all along the way. We even saw a deer lounging  in a corn field. It appears there has been flooding in some of the eastern areas of North Dakota. There were farming areas and barns underwater. Fishing is a big sport here with all the area lakes and there are boats everywhere. We are having to consider when to gas up as the towns are a bit more spread out. It looks like it will be that way in over the next few days into Montana, Idaho and Washington. Looking forward to seeing the mountains of Montana soon.

1 comment:

Cousin Susan said...

So glad you escaped MN and are in ND now! Have a great ride today.