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States Visited on Two Wheels


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 31 last!

Out in front of the welcome center on US 2 in Culbertson

We rode on this for 12 miles!

This is DIRT, not gravel!

More construction!!!

She's doing that weird thing again!

This is a place called The Hangar in Glasgow...need I say more?

At the suggestion of one of the locals, we had dinner at Eugene's in Glasgow...we did not regret it! The food was wonderful and the service was great!!! This is Connie, our server. with Sharlene. Connie has a great sense of humor and we enjoyed chatting with her...way to go Connie!!!

This is Sam, co-owner of Eugene's doing his magic!

When in Glasgow, we recommend Eugene's!!! Visit his website at :

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